W dn. 6-8 września 2017 w Barcelonie odbędzie się czwarta konferencja z cyklu womENcourage, której celem jest wymiana doświadczeń, wspieranie i inspirowanie społeczności kobiet w informatyce i dziedzinach pokrewnych. Zachęcamy studentki (a także studentów) do udziału, w tym do zgłaszania prezentacji w formie plakatów. Istnieje możliwość otrzymania stypendium na udział w konferencji.
Szczegółowe informacje: https://womencourage.acm.org/

Dear Students,

I am sending you the call for posters for the event womENcourage, which is the main event of ACM to celebrate, support and honor the contribution of women in science.

I encourage you strongly to send Posters and to attend the event. The posters can have more than one authors (and of course authors can be of any gender).

The Conference provides grants to students to present their posters (or/and to attend the Conference).

WomENcourage To 2017 will be held in conjunction with events organized by the European Network of High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEAC).

This year’s program is richer than last year’s and includes among others a hackathon (the first day), a career fair where you’ll be able to talk with people from companies and to discuss with them the possibility to work in some of these, interesting speeches from the industrial sponsors of womENcourage (Industry Talks) and from the invited speakers (Keynote Talks), and various panels (some of which with emphasis on cybersecurity and high performance computing). It is also noteworthy that the womENcourage 2017 will host the ACM Turing Award Lecture by Silvio Micali (MIT).

Check the Conference website for more information: https://womencourage.acm.org/

To sum up, I think womENcourage 2017 will be a very interesting event which you will enjoy to attend. It will also be interesting to present your research work there (even if it is in a preliminary phase) since the event attracts several researchers with whom you could discuss, to which you could promote your work, and from whom you could get feedback for it.

