W czwartek, 22 grudnia 2016, o godz. 13.15, w sali 110 IMiI UO dr Ricardo Rodríguez Jorge z Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez México, wygłosi referat pt. Artificial intelligence challenges for engineering applications.
In this lecture, a study and development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems are presented. Challenges of AI systems for engineering applications are discussed. Particularly, the AI system which is trained with a recurrent learning method, sample-by-sample, in real time. By means of implementation of this adaptive monitoring system, the algorithm is capable of processing signals in real time and it can recognize patterns that predict events up to 3 seconds ahead. The Dynamic Quadratic Neural Unit working in real time has demonstrated greater efficiency and precision comparing with multilayer perceptron-type neural networks for pattern classification and prediction; in addition, this architecture has proved, in the developed research stage, to be superior in comparison to other different types of adaptive architectures in the field of higher-order neural units.
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